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Paul Pogba
michal85 Offline
diabeł wcielony

Liczba postów: 2,667
Dołączył: Jan 2008
Reputacja: 41
Post: #50
RE: Paul Pogba
Cytat:Pogba odszedł bo miał konflikt z Fergusonem, czuł, że jest gotowy na wskoczenie na wyższy poziom, pojawiła się szansa, natłok spotkań, nienajlepszy przeciwnik i kontuzje, a Ferg wolał wystawić Parka i Rafaela w środku zamiast niego, potem jeszcze reaktywował Scholesa...
I były ku temu podstawy. Przypomnę również, ze w owym spotkaniu na ławce siadł Anderson. Pogba w rezerwach nie prezentował regularnie poziomu, który kwalifikowałby go do gry w pierwszej drużynie. Inna sprawa, że chłopak nigdy wcześniej nie grał (i dalej ma z tym chyba problemy) mając jedynie jednego kompana do pomocy w środku, więc wystawianie go wobec zaistniałych okoliczności wcale nie było tak oczywiste.

Talent to nie wszystko. Inna sprawa, że sam Pogba miał o sobie bardzo dobre mniemanie i był mega pewny siebie. Ostatnio pisał coś o tym Ferdinand

Cytat: I remember going over to watch a group of the youth team players training and thought they werent training in a complete professional manor and saw Paul, Ravel & Januzai all sat down chatting as everyone was going inside so I strolled over and got stuck into them a bit, asking "do you guys want to be top players, do you think switching on your efforts in training on & off are going to make the manager think you should be with the first team"?

They all could see the wrongs in their behaviour but I remember Paul saying he should be there with the first team anyway!
Taki był, a Ferguson widział w swojej karierze masę zaprzepaszczonych talentów. Tym razem się pomylił, albo...albo takie a nie inne podejście do tematu Szkota podziałało na Francuza mobilizująco i zmiana otoczenia doprowadziła do tego, że zaczął jednak pracować ciężej.

Zresztą z tego co wiem od ludzi będących blisko młodzieży to kością niezgody nie była tylko kasa, a przede wszystkim gwarant ilości występów w pierwszej "11" czego Ferguson zapewniać nie chciał.

Trochę nie rozumiem natomiast fragmentu o Ferdinandzie bo ja sobie nie przypominam, żeby z jakąś mega wrogością wypowiadał się o United. Jego zachowanie na boisku, pasja, wola zwycięstwa, autentyczny wkurw po porażkach, którego mi obecnie brakuje oraz zachowanie po odejściu z United jasno pokazuje, że to nie był tylko najemnik.

Jeszcze raz wklejam jak kilka lat temu sytuacje Pogby opisał - będący od kilkudziesięciu lat blisko młodziezy United - mrmujac

Cytat:Pogba came to the club via Le Havre under some controversy with the French club calling ‘foul’ in our transfer dealings. The fact that UEFA negated Le Havre’s claim put the matter to rest. But Pogba had only been with Le Havre for a short period of time…something he had done with all his previous junior clubs. Track record?
Immediately at Academy level (while some people may disagree with the definition of ‘youth product’…a debate I will leave for another day…he played in our Academy and is regarded as an Academy product) he showed outstanding ability on the pitch and was destined for a fine future in the game.
Pogba had an outstanding 2010/11 season helping us win the FA Youth Cup and was a major ‘potential’ talent alongside Ravel Morrison. Both players were standouts in a very, very good side. They had other good players around them that allowed them both to showcase their skills.
The following season, 2011/12, his form in the reserves was very average. He would have one very good game, followed by an average game, then he was a virtual passenger in the next. Consistency is critical the higher up the ladder you play. Many players have fallen by the way…not because they weren’t talented…but because they were inconsistent.
Alex Ferguson recognised the need to test Pogba at a higher level, give him a taste of first team football and see how he reacted under more significant pressure. The manager gave him a run out in all three League Cup games that term and he did ok without doing anything brilliant. In fact, in the games against Leeds and Aldershot we were winning quite comfortably and it was a real chance for his to excel…something he didn’t do. He showed glimpses of his talent and was certainly one to watch.
This brings us nicely to the Blackburn game. Before the match Pogba has been quoted as saying “I told Ferguson I was ready and that he should pick me…”. During the Christmas period we were suffering from terrible injury problems and Ferguson played an experienced international midfielder in Ji Sung Park and took a gamble on Rafael as Carrick played centre half. When it didn’t pay off he brought on more experience at half-time with Anderson making an appearance. Pogba had three substitute appearances behind him and was putting in average performances in the reserves. There was no logical reason why the manager would have started him and if anyone should have been annoyed that Rafael was preferred it was Anderson. Secondly, I wonder how Alex Ferguson reacted at being told who should be playing and who should not by an inexperienced 18 year-old? Interestingly, the game needed a goal and after bringing on Anderson to strengthen midfield…a logical conclusion…Ferguson then brought on Will Keane in a bid to get an equaliser. No-one will ever know the reasons behind Ferguson’s selection that day…maybe he was testing Pogba’s attitude or maybe he just thought the young Frenchman wasn’t ready.
Ferguson offered Pogba a new contract but the agent wanted a ‘guarantee’ of first team football and a minimum number of first team starts. Ferguson (like most managers) couldn’t guarantee any player a first team place so why would he do so with an inexperienced 18 year-old? You only need to look at how he dropped Wayne Rooney last season to understand that there are no guarantees in football…nor in life come to that matter.
Ferguson then gave Pogba more first team opportunities in the league and in Europe. In March he made three successive substitute appearances for 20, 30 and 35 minutes each, respectively, as Ferguson gradually introduced him to the ‘hurly-burly’ of first team football. However, the youngster still decided not to sign a contract even though the manager assured him he would get more chances during 2012/13 regardless of his poor showing for the reserves during 2011/12. In addition, in his time on the pitch he was just ok…nothing he did particularly stood out…but you could see the makings of a fine player.
I repeat…in those first team outings he showed ‘glimpses’ of his talent and potential but was hardly running games.
At the end of the season Pogba’s agent spoke to numerous clubs and the player and his agent decided a move to Juventus would be better. Only they know why they chose to ignore United’s offer.
Ferguson once again spoke to the player who refused to budge
The player moved to Italy.

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10-08-2016 10:39
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