Zastanawiające jest, co wydarzyło się w ciągu tych kilku tygodni od momentu podpisania kontraktu przez Bebe z Vitorią, do czasu transferu do United. Nikomu nieznany piłkarz, który przyszedł z 3 ligi za darmo do średniaka ligi portugalskiej nagle stał się obiektem zainteresowania wielkich klubów. Na zarejestrował się fan Vitorii Guimaraes i napisał takiego oto posta związanego z tym zagadnieniem:
Cytat:When we signed him, he was that typical young player with good qualities that could be or not someone to play in our first team in the near future.
What happened here, in this 5 weeks, was basically what happened with Ronaldo when Ferguson saw him playing agains Sporting Lisbon. His adaptation to the club was instant, and everyone could see there's something about him that makes you wonder he could be the next big thing. Not just a good player, but one of the best in the world. He mixes his strength with speed and criativity becoming an explosive player (obviously still raw but you know it's there).
3 weeks ago, our president, in awe with his evolution and capacities, renew his contract paying 3 times more and setting a buy-out of 9m euros, just when this sensations Bebe was giving the supporters (being already the key element in our first team), started flooding european clubs with watchers at our games.
oraz na pytanie o pozycję na której grał Bebe w ich zespole:
Cytat:He started playing on the wings, but in our last 3 matches he was used as an attacking midfielder, right behind our strikers
Więc jednak w ostatnich meczach grał jako AM. Wypowiedzi tego kibica brzmią naprawdę obiecująco.